Category Archives: Member [4]

Opuwo Processing Plant

Indigenous Natural Products (INPs) offer opportunities to conservancy members to diversify householdincome streams and contribute significantly to food security. The harvesting of and trade in INPs helpsconservancy members to generate much needed cash income. Unfortunately, these benefits are availableonly for a limited season and are dependent on environmental conditions. IRDNC has been exploringopportunities for expanding [….]

Oyetu Naturals

At the heart of Oyetu Naturals is a dedication to sourcing raw materials directly from local villages. By collaborating with community members and cooperatives, Oyetu Naturals not only ensures that the products are made from the finest natural ingredients but also fosters sustainable practices that benefit the environment and local economies. Each ingredient is carefully [….]

MediPlants Namibia

We are striving to bring proven and tested Namibian remedies, well known to mankind for centuries, to customers around the world. Enjoy a first time experience with our cultural profound plants – all organically grown with ethical sustainability. Our products are made from plant material only. No additives! Products: Hoodia Slimming CapsulesSceletium Portuosum Mood Enhancer [….]


Eudafano Women’s Cooperative is a cooperative made up of more than 2500 rural women in Northern Namibia. Our name, Eudafano, is the Oshikwanyama word for ‘agreement’, symbolising our unity of purpose. The cooperative (EWC) was established in 1999 with the aim to promote the economic and social interests of its member group women by providing [….]

Makai Apothecary

Makai means ‘great mother’ in the native Damara language of Namibia.  Universally it means “mother earth”.  Makai Apothecary was founded on the principles and ideals of providing wellness therapy through products and treatments built upon the herbal knowledge and healing practices from our ancient land. Our products are formulated by integrating thorough scientific plant research, [….]
