Indigenous Natural Products (INPs) offer opportunities to conservancy members to diversify household
income streams and contribute significantly to food security.
The harvesting of and trade in INPs helps
conservancy members to generate much needed cash income. Unfortunately, these benefits are available
only for a limited season and are dependent on environmental conditions. IRDNC has been exploring
opportunities for expanding the range of INPs harvested in conservancies so that different INPs can
be harvested during different seasons and provide longer periods of opportunity for generating cash
Harvesters are often the most marginalised members of the conservancies
The first commercial harvest of omumbiri (Commiphora wildii) resin took place in October 2007
Since then, the Opuwo Processing Facility
(OPF) has been established where essential oil
extraction from Commiphora willdii resin as well as
Colophopsermum mopane seeds is done.
Contact Details:
Dave Cole/ Agnes Tsamases
davenamibia@gmail.com / agnest@irdnc.org.na